
Market Harborough Golf Club

Seniors Golf

Earl Harrison – Seniors Captain 2023-24

I joined Market Harborough Golf Club in September 2005. Up to that date I had not played what can be classed as Golf, although I had played in a few corporate golf days, notable at the Belfy and Wentworth. It was after playing at Wentworth that I got the golfing bug. I visited several Golf Clubs within the area with a view of experiencing the welcomed that would be offered to someone new to golf. Market Harborough Golf Club was chosen for the warm welcome that I received and this in essence is where my golf life commenced.

I was proposed by Les Woodhouse and seconded by Brian Peel.

My career commenced work with a Process Control Engineering company in London as a Software engineer and progressed to manage their Computer Operations.

The company eventually relocated to Milton Keynes and after a further 3 years, I took the plunge to start my own business with offices in Leicester. The Business was eventually relocated to Market Harborough and then to Clipston. I was an active member of the Market Harborough Squash Club and relinquished my membership there 3 years ago.

I joined the committee at Market Harborough Golf Club in 2010 and was eventually appointed as the Greens Chairman. I continued in this position until I became the men’s vice-captain in 2013 and then captain in 2014. Once my captaincy was over, I join the Board of Directors for just over 2 years.

Since joining the club, I have always played at the weekends and with the advent of Covid, I decided that I wanted to play during the week. Several options were tried to get a consistent game which was not achieved.  Being old enough I approached Brian Warne as to the possibility of joining the Seniors. An approach that was warmly welcomed.

Paul Claxton asked me to be his Vice-Captain in 2022, and I was delighted to accept, and hope that with his guidance, the on-going support of the Seniors Steering Group and Past Captains I can continue the fine traditions, standards and instil in the club throughout 2024-25.

As Captains I am sure we agree that long heritage must be continued and where possible enhanced for us all to enjoy going forward.

I look forward to working with the 2023/24 Captains, Gary Dewis and Carolyn Jones and that together we will hopefully continue the advancement of the club.

Welcome Pack


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